Monday, January 29, 2007


I had a nightmare last night. Something about being chased by a man with very strong hands. Then I wrapped my best friend Jennie in my big black duffel bag and took her on vacation. There was a lot going on in the middle there, but I don't remember.

Last night I saw a dance performance for the first time in 100 years. Compagnia Danza Flux at Art Garage in Pozzuoli. The piece was the result of a choreographic research process the company engaged in with local dancers in January. Lots of improvisation, changes of music, a video of some of the workshops. These sorts of performances can be very boring, but the choreographer, Fabrizio Varriale, and his assistant (I don't know if she'd call herself that), Chiara Alborino, did a fine job exploring rhythm, tempo, space, gesture, unison, voice, contact. Bravi!

Of course, the Baby didn't let us watch the whole show. She was so tired but couldn't fall asleep with all the lighting changes and friendly southern Italians in the audience. Still, it was a balm for my soul and made me want to dance dance dance. I've got an idea for a piece, something around thanking the audience and saying good night first. Something about moving backwards.

One great choreographer friend in the USA is applying to residency programs. I love reading her project descriptions/personal essays. It's almost like being present for the choreographic process...but not. Oh, how I miss rehearsal! Piano piano, con calma, sei impegnata adesso con la bimba. These are the things they tell me and they are right.

The Baby (should we change her blog name to La Bimba...yes!), La Bimba is sleeping. As if you didn't already know that if I am blogging, she is sleeping. Wow! And just now, on cue, she has awoken (awakened? I don't remember English.).

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