Saturday, May 5, 2007

Don't Give Up On Me

I am bereft without blogging. My blog is like a phantom limb, itching me when it's not there. Or something like that.

I didn't enter the contest after all. The contest organizer censored me because of too much f-word. She had good reasons (kid readers, living in Texas), and she was kind enough to write to me and confess to being in a bog, a blog bog, an oily Texas bloggy bog. My uncle made a good point about using the f-word (and the a-, s-, m-f- words): he said they have a place in writing, but sometimes serve as a way to avoid finding a more acute word. In other words, they can be cop outs. So, I am going to try to see what happens to my writing if I try to express my disdain, scorn, hatred, frustration, angst, disbelief, joy in other way.

I can't get my blog juices flowing under all this guestiness. Gustiness. Justice. So, I will keep watching the Colbert Report and reading Cusk (almost through; don't know what to read next, having, blessedly, so much to choose from due to great book windfall from Brooklyn). Tune in about a week from now, when freedom will ring again. Ding dong hot diggety dog dong...I think I just potty-mouthed again. Dang!

1 comment:

Giovanna Pasquarelli said...

Great blog!!!
As for the contest and needing to be censored...fuck em'. Let's face it, saying "OH TREE" doesn't quite feel as good as saying "OH FUCK". It's a release...It's's healthy. I should know because I'm a fucking therapist.
