Monday, March 24, 2014

It has been too long

I think about this blog often, but it is only this evening, after a day of alternating between self-pity and self-loathing, that I find myself here. La Bimba, The Husband, and I have been in Berkeley for almost six years now. Six years! And we have a second bimba! I'll call her, La Giaconda, instead of La Seconda, since a dear friend says she looks like the Mona Lisa. Do not fret: La Giaconda mia has eyebrows and much fuller lips. I have turned back to this blog because I have reached a doctoral impasse, an academic writing stumbling block too large to scale. I've lost faith in my scholarly abilities and believe, or rather hope, that a little writing bait-and-switch might help the situation. I am aware that "bait-and-switch" is not exactly the right term here, but I like it.

Also, we are thinking about traveling to Naples this summer and I have mixed feelings about it. I haven't been back since the end of 2009/start of 2010. That was not an easy trip. I'm working through some PTSD from my time in Naples and though I would love to revisit old stomping grounds, I have my misgivings. So I thought returning to some fun or at least funny memories might help get me excited about the prospect of drinking in and eating up the city I once called home.

I met The Husband ten years ago. I find that astonishing. He has been adjusting slowly, slowly to life in California. It hasn't been easy. The language, the culture, the way people like to make plans in advance, the Chinese food, so many things. He has let go of one or two Neapolitan ideas like no bathing after eating, and has let me in on some ones I'd never heard of in Naples, like only one person changes the baby's clothes at a time because, lo sai, like the hat on the bed, only when you're kaput do two people change your clothes.

There's so much to report but my eyes are closing. I'm on spring break, La Bimba, who is almost eight, EIGHT, is not, so maybe I'll have a chance to write some more.

If anybody's out there, say hi. Un bacione.


Giorgio said...

Uè! long time between drinks, ma cche stive faccen'? O ppane? please continue writing..
Ce verimm' aròppo

Gil said...

Glad I checked in Tonight. I probably check your blog every month or two to see if you made a new post. Congratulations on your new baby. Will check in again when there is no F1 race and my head is clearer.

irene said...

What a pleasure to hit upon your blog - all because I was looking for a good description of bassi, something I would like to refer to in my in-progress novel.
I lived in Naples 1971-75 (and my husband 73 to 75), our daughter was born there, and we have visited since. It was a wonderful time in our lives and we think of it often. - and even when it wasn't it mattered less because Naples was worth it.
I would love to know how your most recent trip went and hope you will add some entries to your blog.
Wishing you all the best.

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