Why can't I enter a title anymore? Yesterday and today...I don't understand Blogger.
Finally, someone was brutally honest today. A woman in the department store where La Bimba and I were shopping said, "What a beautiful baby? Are you the mother?" to which I replied, "Yes." The woman looked at me and said, "She is more beautiful than you" to which I replied, "Much."
Finally, what they are all thinking has been spoken. I feel so relieved.
I'm having the same problem with Blogger! I think I've cracked it though. Point your mouse slightly above the title (and to the far left inside the title box) and that should allow you to enter one. You've got to jiggle around with the mouse a bit to get it to work. Che palle perĂ²! I don't know what you look like but bimba is gorgeous.
Wow - that statement was really brutal. No idea if it's true or not as I don't know what you look like - but really - when is a statement like that ever appropriate? My Israeli friend actually says stuff like that (not sure if that's an Israeli thing or just her) but I always thought Italians were unerringly polite about stuff like that. Hmmm...
it's an israeli thing. definitely. definato.
Actually, in general babies are more beautiful than their parents because we are genetically programmed to find babies cuter than adults since they need to be taken care of.
While in my (admittedly limited) experience I have found Israelis to be often quite rude, I have also heard Italians make rude comments to people's faces about their personal appearances. I was particularly shocked to hear someone say "Sei ingrassata molto" (though thankfully, not to me).
She is really cute, and that woman is a total bitch -- and objectively wrong to boot.
Blogger was weird -- wouldn't let me enter a URL to make a title a link. It happens. Not bad for a free service, though!
you were the most beautiful toddler .period
I am always amazed at which posts garner the most comments. Thank you all for testifying to my own outer beauty. I have a sneaking suspicion that the last anonymous comment may have been from someone who spawned me. Anyway, I have a friend from Paris who likes to tell you when your haircut sucks, that you looked better before, and though it may be rude, it's also hilarious. Sometimes politeness is just so boring.
I still have a photo of you as a toddler (that you gave me, remember?), and I can second the possibly parental comment.
While it's true that rude people can often give you valuable and useful information that your friends never would, in this case, it's just not accurate!
Oy gevalt. First, her gorgeousness is absolutely reflective of your love and care and work and devotion and process for her. Second, thank God our children are more beautiful than we -- isn't that the evolutionary point? Added bonus, she'll never have to have therapy around having a mother who was so much more beautiful than she (at least while surrounded by Neapolitans of questionable taste).
Oh, Valerie, how I adore you!
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